Is Agile still delivering on its promise?
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As a leader, it's essential to understand the pressures your teams are facing.
While Agile practices may seem effective from a higher level, practitioners often feel constrained. Aligning your leadership approach with their needs can reignite innovation and improve outcomes.
Agile has lost touch with its human-centric roots
For practitioners, Agile often feels rigid and limiting, far from its original promise. Leaders, on the other hand, see a more optimistic picture. Our research shows this disconnect is holding teams back. Leaders can help bridge the gap by realigning Agile practices with flexibility and innovation.
By advocating for more flexible practices and fostering open dialogue with leadership, you can help shape Agile to better suit your team’s real-world challenges.
Agile can feel frustratingly rigid, but it doesn’t have to be.
For practitioners, Agile often feels rigid and limiting, far from its original promise. Leaders, on the other hand, see a more optimistic picture. Our research shows this disconnect is holding teams back. Leaders can help bridge the gap by realigning Agile practices with flexibility and innovation.
Agile has lost touch with its human-centric roots
of practioners feel that processes and tools overshadow individuals in their organization.
Regional breakdown:
U.S.: 67%
Australia: 57%
Japan: 66%
UK + Ireland: 76% Europe: 78%
By streamlining tools and emphasizing collaboration, leaders can help restore Agile's human-centric approach.
Leaders need to recognize that complex tools are frustrating for their teams and impede their ability to innovate.
Tools and frameworks were supposed to support Agile’s people-first approach. But according to our survey, these tools have become overly complex and inflexible, slowing teams down and stifling creativity. It’s time to refocus on human-centric Agile practices.
Tools are overtaking teamwork
Simplifying and streamlining tool usage can help your team work more efficiently and return to the core values of Agile.
If tools are holding you back, don't be afraid to raise concerns with leadership.
Tools and frameworks were supposed to support Agile’s people-first approach. But according to our survey, these tools have become overly complex and inflexible, slowing teams down and stifling creativity. It’s time to refocus on human-centric Agile practices.
Tools are overtaking teamwork
of practitioners say Agile tools are too complex and slow teams down.
Across regions,
Regional breakdown:
U.S.: 66%
Australia: 57%
Japan: 69%
UK + Ireland: 71% Europe: 77%
Trust your teams to own their work, and Agile can become a tool for empowerment rather than control.
As a leader, it’s important to ensure that Agile practices aren’t turning into mechanisms for micromanagement.
Agile was designed to empower teams, but in many organizations, it’s easy to over index on processes. This misalignment is causing friction and frustration for teams, making it harder to achieve the desired outcomes.
Inflexible processes slow Agile teams down
By reclaiming Agile’s original purpose, you can help your team work more effectively.
If Agile practices in your organization are leading to micromanagement, consider how you can advocate for more autonomy and trust.
Agile was designed to empower teams, but in many organizations, it’s easy to over index on processes. This misalignment is causing friction and frustration for teams, making it harder to achieve the desired outcomes.
Inflexible processes slow Agile teams down
of practitioners around the world feel Agile doesn’t empower them to make decisions and move quickly.
Regional breakdown:
U.S.: 66%
Australia: 60%
Japan: 66%
UK + Ireland: 76% Europe: 81%
Ready to transform the way you work with Agile?
Download the full report to discover how you can realign Agile practices with their original principles and empower your teams to innovate. In this report, you'll find:
Insights from over 1,200 Agile practitioners and leaders
Solutions to common Agile challenges
Expert advice on leveraging Agile for better outcomes
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We surveyed over 1,200 Agile practitioners and leaders to find out if Agile ways of working are actually working. We discovered three key insights that highlight the gaps between Agile's ideals and reality, and how teams can improve outcomes by adapting to today's challenges.
Dive into these findings to learn how Agile practices can better align with their original principles and explore solutions to keep your teams innovating.
Agile promised flexibility, collaboration,
and innovation
—but is it still delivering?
Is Agile still delivering on its promise?
Insights from over 1,200 Agile practitioners and leaders
Solutions to common Agile challenges
Expert advice on leveraging Agile for better outcomes
Download the guide
Download the guide
Download the full report to discover how you can realign Agile practices with their original principles and empower your teams to innovate. In this report, you'll find:
Ready to transform the way you work with Agile?
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